We began our work together with five Working Groups focused on identified challenges faced by women with low incomes in Brookline. They each have co-created significant programming or activities geared to address the highest needs. Some women with financial challenges co-lead the groups, each of which includes a mix of local organizations, businesses, and agencies, interested citizens, and women facing financial difficulties. Each group works together to deepen needs and assets assessment as appropriate, develop plans for expansion or improvement of existing services and opportunities, and develop innovative, cross-sector prototype resources, services, and activities. The evolving Working Groups are:

Fundraising Group

Plans and carries out periodic fundraising activities (including this year’s “Celebrating Chobee” online gala, our Art Talks Series, and the upcoming “Sounds of Thriving” live Zoom event. These raise money, increase Thriving’s visibility, educate and collaborate with the community, and provide opportunities for Thrivers to share their stories.

Access and Information Sharing

Still a very active group, maintains and promotes The Brookline Thrive Guide, an invaluable resource for the town of Brookline, and uses a variety of methods to share needed information about and for Women Thriving in the community. Members of the group also publish Thriving!, a periodic newsletter.

Education, Training, and Employment

Designed and supported the hugely successful “Women Moving Forward” video project, as well as the “Preparing for Employment” and “Manage Your Money” workshop series.

Expressive and Healing Arts

Designed and supported several arts-related workshop series, including the popular “Art Journey to Healing” held at the Brookline Arts Center as well as the “Reading and Writing Poetry” workshop series.

Healthy Food and Lifestyle

Supports the “Thriving Together Garden” Project, Listening and Learning dinners (before the pandemic), “Healthy Eating and Cooking” workshop series, and numerous fitness and self-care classes.

Safety and Healthy Relationships

Developed and distributed our Brookline safety resource materials and oversaw development of the “Safe and Healthy Relationships” workshop series for teen girls. The Working Group is currently incorporated into Brookline’s Domestic Violence Round Table.